En Route...

on this road called Life.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

A windy ride - Romans 8:28

Originally written April 22, 2004; edited March 2015

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 ESV

Several years ago I was able to spend the summer living and working with my brother, Garrett, in Gunnison, Colorado. During my time there and at the encouragement of my adventurous brother, I discovered a new hobby: road biking. Not only was it great exercise, but it also provided me with an amazing new way to enjoy God's breath-taking creation that surrounded me in the Gunnison Valley. I most often rode alone and loved to ride down new roads to explore, camera in tow. I also enjoyed taking a familiar path to the river with a book, journal, and pen to find a peaceful spot along the riverbank to read, write, and just soak in the beauty of the Lord.

One such ride left an imprint on my heart that I think of often. The day was absolutely brilliant... the Carolina-blue skies with not a cloud to seen, a bright sun was shining glistening off the river, and there was a wonderful breeze. It was one of those days I just wanted to soak in. So, I chose one of my favorite routes that led to the river's edge and off I went.

When riding a bike, even a slight wind can make your ride a bit more difficult. Therefore, my attitude towards the "wonderful breeze" changed rather quickly. From my perspective on a bike trying to plow through the breeze, it was turning into quite a windy ride making me strain much harder than I usually did on this path. This in turn led to some grumbling, and I let God know I would greatly appreciate it if He could calm the winds, since after all I knew He could, so I could no longer be distracted by the burden of the wind and could once again just enjoy the scenery and ride.

Shortly after this internal dialogue ensued, I came upon a curve in the road. As I rounded the bend, I was no longer in the wind. HALLELUJAH! The wind had ceased! Praise the Lord!

Relieved, I pedaled along... but then I started to get hot... really hot... miserably hot. I just thought the wind was bad! The heat was 10 times worse! Before I knew it, I was begging for the wind again.

Then it clicked. There was a reason for the wind; it fit into God's plan for good, not harm.

The wind served as God's provision to protect me from the heat. It also provided some added resistance to help build and strengthen my muscles. Yes, that meant more effort and strain, but the resistance was working together for a good outcome. And I'm sure the list could go on! Regardless of the reason, it became clear that God had sent the wind to bless, not burden me and that He knew why the wind was needed, even when I couldn't understand its presence and simply felt annoyed, bothered, and burdened by it.

I often try to remember this ride whenever I encounter fierce winds in life. Maybe these "winds" are sent to protect me from the heat of something else. Maybe they are being used to develop strength, endurance, faith, trust, hope, some other fruit of the Spirit in me, or another reason altogether. Whatever the reason, Scripture speaks loud and clear to the fact that trials of various kinds will come, but that when they do, even then God is sovereign over everything. Furthermore, because I have been called, I can know and trust that all things will work together for good. Maybe I simply haven't turned the corner of understanding to see how the Lord is working these things together for good.

Whatever the circumstance, my windy ride reminds me to trust the Lord and remember His promises... that for those who love God and are called according to His purposes, all things work together for good, even the windiest of trials.

Pressing on,

Verses to reference:
John 16:33
2 Corinthians 4:17
James 1:2-4
1 Peter 1:6-7
1 Peter 5:6-7
Psalm 71:20

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